




[数字仪表] 解决Met/Cal gold procedure 安装时MCZ无法找到问题

fi8 发表于 2013-3-5 22:38:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天终于找到了“Met/Cal gold procedure 安装时MCZ无法找到”的解决方法,困惑了许久了,终于得解,开心!急着想和大家分享下。
自从有了gold procedures包后,我就解压到电脑C盘的某一个文件夹中了,后来系统改装Win7了,再重装Met/Cal,用电脑硬盘文件安装程序,怎么也安装不上,报如上错误。问了fluke技术支持,可能没说清楚,也没解决,只强调重装。
今天偶尔查了https://community.flukecal.com网站,居然真的有收获了。和大家分享下。用电脑中gold procedures直接安装校准程序时得尤其注意如下红色部分。

原文 Alternatives to burning the MET/CAL Gold Procedure CD

The procedure CD image is available for download from the https://support.fluke.com/
> Met/Support site. The CD image is an ISO image
with the .iso extension such as "METCAL_Procedures_2012-03-16.iso". When you download the CD image, it is best to verify that it downloaded correctly by ensuring the MD5 checksum value matches. A couple of good MD5 programs are WinWD5 Free
and WinMD5Sum
. If you want to burn the CD image to a CD, ImgBurn
is free and works great. An alternative to burning the CD is to use a program that creates a virtual drive. I highly recommend installing and using SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive
If you can't burn the CD or use a virtual drive, another alternative is to "unzip" the contents of the CD. Some users like putting the contents of the CD on a USB stick or shared folder. A good free program that can do this is 7-Zip
. There is a catch, mcz.exe and the "jar" folder must be in a root directory for it to be found. If you get the error "Unable to find mcz.exe", this means that mcz-install.exe was not able to find mcz.exe on any drive, such as F:\mcz.exe. If you get an error such as "mcz.exe found in: F:\ java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fluke/metcal/zip/Mcz", this probly means that the "jar" folder is missing.
董工(F) 发表于 2013-3-23 12:48:28 | 显示全部楼层
dewbow 发表于 2013-3-28 23:02:21 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈,我都用DEAMON TOOLS虚拟目录,不解压ISO,所以也没遇到过这个问题。涨经验值了,呵呵。
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